What to expect when you come to Grace Harvest Church

Whether you’ve attended church your whole life or never stepped foot in one before, we know it’s not easy visiting a church for the first time. Where do I go? Where should I park? How should I dress? How long does it last? What about my kids? We want your first experience at Grace Harvest Church to be relaxed, and for you and your family to enjoy the service. So, here is some information to help you know what to expect:

•When you arrive at Grace you will see our Meet & Greet team outside probably waiving "Hi" as you drive to the parking lot. Once you parked the best place to enter the building is on the side of the church where you will be welcomed with a smile and friendly greeting.

•Then get your day started off right with a cup of coffee and a snack at Grace Grounds. located directly to your left when entering the west side of the bundling through the double doors.  Grace Grounds opens @ 10:00 AM, and this is where you can take advantage of our staff handing you free coffee, juice and/or snacks up until a few minutes of the start of the service. at 10:30 AM.

• If you have a toddler, you can rest assure our nursery staff at "Grace Tots" is ready to watch your child in a positive and safe environment as well as teach them about our Lord & Savior Jesus. Simply bring your toddler to the front foyer (north side of the church) where you sign them in and write out any special instructions or needs you may have with your child so that our staff is made aware. You will be given a number that if any concerns arise, you will see that number on the screen which will be calling you to assist the staff member in the nursery.

•Find a seat anywhere you like and get ready to praise our Lord. Grace Harvest has amazing musicians and singers and more importantly, they do a great job of ushering in the presence of God. Feel free to sing along to the songs as you can follow the words up on the screen. Clap & lift your hands and join in the celebration of our great King!

• If you have an elementary child (ages 5-10) you might think like many other parents "How do I get my child to stay still for a whole service"? Well SHINE (our children's church program) is offered after the song service and gets dismissed with the SHINE leaders for the rest of the worship service. prior to the start of the message, we have special prayer for all our students that attend Grace then they exit out the left side auditorium door to the designated area where the Word of God can be taught on their level.  At the conclusion of the service walk to the back of the church through the doors on your left or right side of the stage and your child will be in our Fellowship Hall.

• We want you to feel comfortable so dress comfortable and enjoy the fellowship at Grace Harvest Church.  Our service usually ends around 12:00 PM and we hope this was a great way for you to start your day and week ahead.