The Love, Passion & Family Series
At Grace we are a devoted family committed to following Jesus. We Love, Forgive, Pray and use our spiritual gifts in strengthening one another while we "do Life" together.
F- Forgive, A-Adjust, M- Messy, I-Impart, L-Love, Y-Yours
We know offense will come. We are not naive to in thinking just because we go to church that everyone is perfect. But as a follower of Christ and striving to be like Him, we are excited to forgive when offense comes. Just like Jesus did with us. Bear with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” – Colossians 3:13
The story of Jonah. He was told by God to go to Ninivah and he went the opposite direction. But God works with Jonah the whole way. He Adjusted to Jonah’s off the path choices. This story shows Gods second chances policy. We are thankful for God’s many many second chances and because of them we adjust to the many different kinds of people that make up Grace Harvest Church.
Story of Jacob & Esau. Jacob steals Esau’s birth right and blessing. Takes off. Then years later Jacob had to face Esau and was stressing out. But Esau comes up and hugs his brother and moves on. Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery. Then years later forgives them. We know that Family can be messy and at Grace we are fully aware that there might be an occasion that messy might be the word to define a situation. But there’s nothing too messy for God not gonna able to clean up.
You’re always leaving an imprint into people’s lives. Either good or bad you are leaving imprints that will last forever. 1 Timothy 6:18 AMPC [18] [Charge them] to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready to share [with others], We want to be a family that leaves the imprint of Jesus on the people who walk through our doors. Also on the people God sends to us outside our walls and show them the love of Christ
“And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34) Love is a choice. Loving beyond what someone said or did to you and truly letting it go. Not to be brought up again for any reason and remembering to be sensitive to everyone. Even the one who hurt you. That’s true love.
You can’t choose your family……. God chooses your church family. We should take ownership of the family God has placed us in to do our part to make it the best possible. Even if some might not work along side of us, our responsibility doesn’t rely on any others lack of responsibility. Because God Himself placed us to the the best we can be.